Question Topic
Fireplace (Gas) Defective Bottom Receptacle

POLICY-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Fireplace (gas), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about fireplace (gas) defective bottom receptacle.

I recently moved the control box, and the temp. sensor which acticates fan beneath my gas fireplace. It has power, but is no longer working... I have heard that these sensors are quite "touchy". where should I start? Oh, the fireplace is still working just fine, but no fan...

Dear Grant:
Have you checked to see if you tripped the circuit breaker for your fan when you moved the control box and temperature sensor? Note that your gas fireplace does not need electric supply to it. In other words, that the circuit breaker for your fan motor could have tripped and your gas fireplace could still be running fine. If it's not the circuit breaker, then you would need to test whether the temperature sensor has either gone bad or has been loosen from its connections to the control box. As always, be VERY careful working around a gas fireplace.
Hope this is helpful.

Thank you so much for the quick and informative response. I found the problem thanks to another member's question! It was actually quite surprising. The fireplace came with an outlet,however no outlet box. The outlet was mounted on a sheet metal knockout, I did not want to run power to this location since there was no way to protect the wire from fraying against the sharp metal. So I purchased and installed a self contained outlet box, but used the receptacle that came with the fireplace. Once all were installed I plugged my shop vac into the upper receptacle and I had power. I plugged the fan in to the lower receptacle and it did not turn on. Now back to another members post. Your response suggested testing the wires with a "hot wire"tester, turns out the bottom receptacle was defective, I plugged the fan into the top receptacle and the fan turned on! Thanks again, I am glad I found this valuable forum. Grant

Thanks for your feedback, and glad to hear that you were able to solve the problem with your fireplace fan. And it is GREAT when members like you take the time to search other member's questions and answers! We hope you find your personalized monthly home maintenance reminders to be helpful too.