Question Topic
Water Heater (Electric) Water Heater Not Working

POLICY-Wizard™ calculates your ideal home care program to avoid problems with your Water Heater (electric), but sometimes trouble can still occur. Here are answers to questions about water heater (electric) water heater not working.

The hot water faucets have only a dribble of water flowing from them. If that is also occuring in the baseboard heating pipes,is my oil-fired furnace going to fail to heat my home?

Dear Jean:
I first need to understand why there is only a dribble of water coming out of your hot water faucets?
Is there also very little flow coming out of your cold water faucets? When did the flow from the hot water turn into a dribble? Could you have frozen pipes in your house? Has anyone been working around your hot water heater, who could have closed any valves?
Just let us know, and we can try to diagnose your problem further.